Preston Rosamond |
Worried about the economy? Here’s a quick rundown on this year’s market performance and updates on economic indicators.
Preston Rosamond |
It seems like everywhere you turn, there are commercials, advertisements, and articles urging you to hire a financial advisor. They always talk about how important it is to plan for the future and maximize your returns, but few stop to talk about the process or how advisors are actually paid. At The Rosamond Financial Group, we value transparency and believe that how an advisor is paid is just as important as the services they provide. Here are some details about our fee structure and what you can expect as a potential client.
Picture this: It’s a calm Sunday afternoon and you decide to check your mailbox for the first time in a week. While you’re sifting through the countless pieces of junk mail and magazine subscriptions you haven’t canceled, you see it—a letter from the IRS.