Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond Has the coronavirus pandemic and it’s far-reaching implications caused you to wake up worried or go to bed at night with your mind racing? For most of us, our schedules have been turned upside down; we don’t know what’s going to happen with our businesses or jobs; we’re concerned for loved ones; and we’re apprehensive about the markets and the economy. We get it. We are living in unprecedented times and there...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond When headlines start popping up about viruses, market crashes, and other world events, it’s normal to start asking questions like, “Am I going to be all right?” and “How will this affect me?” In asking these questions, financial security is one of the most significant factors we think of, right? While these events are not to be minimized, we can take comfort in being educated about what’s actually happening, not what the...
The financial markets took a big dip early this week over fears about the spreading coronavirus, erasing gains from earlier this year. After the Dow lost over 800 points on Tuesday, it was down a total of 1,900 points in two days. Investors are understandably nervous about their money and their health. If you are worried about your portfolio, you’re not alone. But during stock market volatility, it’s important to keep a level head to...
By Preston Rosamond It wasn’t that long ago, just a few decades, when it was common practice for the husband to be in complete control of the finances while the wife’s sole focus was on taking care of the children and the home. It was also common that, if the husband were to suddenly die or the marriage ended in divorce, the wife often found herself struggling to get a grip on her new financial...
By Preston Rosamond The 2020 tax filing season has officially begun and the IRS is now accepting 2019 tax returns. Here is what you can do to prepare for this tax season. Gather Your Important Information & Tax Documents For about a month, you have probably been receiving tax documents in the mail that you’ve simply been throwing in a pile. Now is the time to gather them together and organize them. You may have...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond Every year brings plenty of change, and nowhere is that more obvious than in the markets. Last January we started the year having just survived a difficult December where the market dropped drastically due to recession worries. Then, despite predictions of a year of minimal returns, (1) 2019 gave us a pleasant surprise by delivering a stellar performance. Can we expect the same for 2020? Any Room For Growth? Most experts are...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond A little second-guessing is normal when making decisions, we all know that. But when it comes to your finances, you want to be confident you’re on the right path to achieve your goals. But what happens to your goals when life throws you a curveball? For example, life situations such as a new baby or career change may alter your financial priorities. Or you may be curious about different financial strategies and...
By Preston Rosamond With the holiday season in full swing, our team at The Rosamond Financial Group would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year! We are grateful to have clients like you, and we appreciate your trust in us to provide exceptional services that help you experience confidence in your future and focus on your passions, knowing that we’re here to watch over...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond Are you on track to reach your financial goals? Do you feel confident in your financial decisions? These are loaded questions, I know, but your answer can make or break your financial future. Organizing and managing your finances should be a top priority, but life gets busy and the urgent often trumps the important. At The Rosamond Financial Group, we want to see you thrive in life and in your finances. If...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond Turning 70½ is not a milestone that most people think of. First of all, you don’t usually even celebrate it, since it is only a half-birthday. However, there is one area in which 70½ is a very important age: in financial planning. This age is significant because you need to make sure you have a plan for future long-term care needs, have your estate planning documents in order, and, most importantly, begin...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond Happy Thanksgiving from our team at The Rosamond Financial Group! We want to take a moment to thank you for being a part of our family. We sincerely appreciate the trust you place in our firm. We take our responsibility to you and your family very seriously. Cultivating Gratitude It’s all too easy to only see the frustrating things in life. It takes intention and shifting our mindset to express thanks instead...
By Preston Rosamond After decades of working and saving, you’re in the home stretch of the marathon race to retirement. Now the 10-year countdown to your much-anticipated golden years is on. But no matter how close you are to the finish line, don’t turn on cruise control yet. Finish your working years stronger than you started by completing these 10 things within 10 years of retirement. 1. Crunch The Numbers There are countless uncertainties when...