Preston Rosamond |
It seems like everywhere you turn, there are commercials, advertisements, and articles urging you to hire a financial advisor. They always talk about how important it is to plan for the future and maximize your returns, but few stop to talk about the process or how advisors are actually paid. At The Rosamond Financial Group, we value transparency and believe that how an advisor is paid is just as important as the services they provide. Here are some details about our fee structure and what you can expect as a potential client.
Picture this: It’s a calm Sunday afternoon and you decide to check your mailbox for the first time in a week. While you’re sifting through the countless pieces of junk mail and magazine subscriptions you haven’t canceled, you see it—a letter from the IRS.
Preston Rosamond |
If you’ve dipped your toe into retirement planning, you know it can be an overwhelming process. Even though you’re excited to start a new chapter of your life, you may be stressed about how to make it happen and confused about navigating Social Security. It can be especially difficult when it seems like everyone else has it figured out except you. We get it.
Picking the right location to retire is essential when planning for your golden years. Choosing to reside in one city or state over another will have a variety of different financial incentives or challenges. Here is what you need to know about retiring in Central Texas.
By Preston Rosamond After a three-year rally, the financial markets have been down for seven straight days, marking their worst slide since the pandemic decline in March of 2020. (1) Monday’s market dip put the S&P 500 down over 10%, which is officially called a “correction” on Wall Street. (2) In addition to the stock market decline, inflation has been causing concerns. Because inflation is reaching 40-year highs, it is expected that the Federal Reserve...
By Preston Rosamond It’s a new year, which often comes with renewed motivation and fresh resolve! If you have many goals and resolutions you want to make a reality this year, it can be overwhelming to know where to start or which ones should take priority. Thankfully, when it comes to your financial goals, we’re here to help! Here are 4 of the most important financial actions to take in 2022. 1. Take Stock of...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond What’s better than a 401(k) when it comes to saving for retirement? You just fill out a form, check a few boxes, pick an investment such as a target-date fund, and you immediately start saving for those golden years (sometimes with an employer match to boot!). Easy, right? While it may be fairly simple to sign up for a retirement plan through your employer, some planning tips could make your 401(k) work...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond It’s not an easy decision to find a professional you can trust to help you navigate your financial worries and hopes. Whatever it was that propelled you to consider asking for help, we want you to know that we at The Rosamond Financial Group are your advocates. We put you first—always—and strive to guide you toward a strong financial future, tailoring our services to your unique needs. But don’t just take my...
By Preston Rosamond Happy Holidays from our team at the Rosamond Financial Group! This year has certainly had its ups and downs, but we are always grateful to have clients like you. We appreciate your trust in us and the opportunity to provide exceptional service. It is our goal to help you feel confident in your future and prepared for whatever comes your way. Ring in this holiday season with peace and joy, knowing that...
By Preston Rosamond As you work your way through your retirement checklist, don’t forget to consider healthcare planning. A commonly overlooked (and headache-inducing) part of transitioning into retirement is navigating Medicare’s enrollment options. To help simplify things a bit, here’s a summary of the multiple Medicare plans available and the various enrollment periods to take note of. And if you’re already enrolled, now is an ideal time to reassess your coverage to ensure it’s still...
Preston Rosamond |
By Preston Rosamond There are many natural milestones we reach as we go through life, everything from graduating college to making major career decisions, getting married, and having kids. But as you draw closer to retirement, milestones require some forethought and planning. So whether you are counting down the days until retirement or planning to work for another decade, here are some things to add to your financial to-do list as you celebrate your 62nd...